Want to take charge of your finances? Tired of being broke? Sign up for Dave Ramsey FPU Today! 

According to a study by the Ramsey Solutions research team, 40% of Americans say their financial situation has caused them to lose sleep in the past month. If that's you, it's time to make a change. Take the first step and take back control of your finances (and better sleep) by signing up for  Financial Peace University.  
Class Time: Sundays 3-4:30pm Starting  Feb. 2nd - April 6th
Desert Song Community Church
433 SW 5th St. Ready? Let's do this!

Classes starting soon! $50 per household which includes class and a one year online subscription, and digital workbook.  
Hardback books available for $10 at class.
Class is for 10 weeks and will be held Sundays 3-4:30pm
We would love to have you!
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University is a 10 week course designated to set you up for success. Whether you have a lot of money or no money, learning how to budget, be disciplined, and establish new habits is essential for overcoming debt and gaining financial freedom.  This is the best investment you can make with your time and resources! Join us for FPU today!